• Understanding Infection Prevention Products and Solutions

    Every year Australia uses billions of Infection Prevention Products (IPP), including wipes, sprays, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), and capital equipment

  • Protecting Your House After a Family Member Has COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted and evolved many times over since 2020. However, the practice of sanitising and disinfecting your home after you or a family member has been infected is still essential.

  • 5 ways workplaces can operate safely

    It all begins with an idea.

  • IPN congratulates World Health Organisation (WHO) on Primary Care Toolkit

    The Infection Prevention Network congratulates The World Health Organisation (WHO) on releasing a research-backed toolkit that will be critical in the fight against antimicrobial-resistant organisms (AMO), demonstrating that learned pandemic behaviours continue to be crucial.

  • Infection Prevention in Maternity Care: A Call for Action

    The modern world still loses far too many lives to maternal infections for a world more technologically adept and economically progressed than ever before.

  • Infection Prevention for Out-Patients and Patients in In-Home Care Settings

    While most people are generally happy to be treated outside of hospitals, there is growing concern about the need to better educate out-patients on infection prevention and control.

  • Roadmap To Reopening Flights and Cruises

    International flights have begun to take off in Australia and cruising is looking to set sail in the coming months.

  • What has society learned about infection prevention and control during the pandemic?

    It has been over 100 years since Spanish Flu last tested our global pandemic response. COVID-19 has exposed cracks in our society’s infection prevention strategies.

Infection Prevention Network

The IPN is a national body representing industry leading infection prevention companies guided by researchers, clinicians, and experts.

The Infection Prevention Network aims to ensure all people in Australia have access to world leading infection prevention products and have confidence in their utilisation in places of care.